As a boss, sometimes this means that your career is going to require you to travel. Traveling for work can be really sterile and stressful, so I wanted to share some of my tips and tricks to make your traveling time more comfortable and enjoyable.
Since you are a boss, I do not need to tell you about travel applications, membership/loyalty programs or how to pack a week’s worth of great clothes and shoes in a carry on suitcase (check out my packing blog though if you need tips,) but I do have some tips about little changes I implemented that made my travels less lonely and more productive!

Pack your pleasures for that at home feel-
Small fan for sleeping
Travel size candle
Face mist
Water bottle
Bath bombs
Portable speaker
Plan your meals to eat well and spend less-
Download food delivery apps
Make sure your hotel room has a refrigerator
Go grocery shopping for healthy food
Drink tons of water!
Avoid eating fast food or from the hotel
Remember you did not clean it-
Check the bedbug registry prior to booking
Check the bed for bedbugs upon arrival
Do not drink out of any glassware in the room
Wipe down the remote with antibacterial wipes
Wipe down most surfaces with antibacterial wipes
Make yourself at home-
Unpack all of your clothes
Hang up appropriate clothes and put the rest in drawers
Unpack your cosmetics and place shower items in the bathtub
Locate your safe- place valuables inside
Find outlets and plug in your chargers
Set the temperature for your comfort
Check closet for additional pillows and blankets
Open curtains for sunlight

These simple and easy steps will make your travel feel much more natural and motivating. You will not be digging through your suitcase to find things, you will know your space is clean and you will have some of those comfort items that make your house feel like a home. When you have set up your travel this way, you will be much more productive as you will be able to focus on your work versus dealing with living in a foreign environment for the week.