It's back! I have been using some of this time stuck at home to really look into some brands/companies that I wanted to feature on the blog. I'm really excited to share this company with you.
Well, COVID-19 threw a fucking wrench in the majority of all of our plans, but for those of us with little ones we are needless to say a bit shaken. Most of the parents that I know love their children, are happy they have children and are good parents, but also none of them wanted to be a stay-at-home parent, daycare worker or teacher. That being said upon the discovery that my son's daycare was going to be closed, I headed to the wonderful world that all mothers rely on for baby, toddler and child entertainment, Pinterest.

Now it doesn't take a genius to know that I am pretty heavily covered in tattoos, so my son thinks that tattoos are great. (I will live it up while I can, as I am sure when he is older he will be mortified by me!) The great and almighty Pinterest had some ideas that I thought would work to keep my little one entertained, but then I saw something about temporary tattoos. Light bulb moment! He would love these, so I signed onto my Amazon account and found Mickey Mouse, Blaze and the Monster Machines and PJ Masks temporary tattoos and placed my order. My son was so excited! After a couple of applications though he was bored. He wanted a sleeve like his mommy, so I would use the whole sheet and wrap it around his arm, but it just did not look cool and be damned if my little guy wasn't going to look cool. Not only that, but these temporary tattoos barely made it a full 24 hours, so my son was devastated when they were wearing off after less than 12 hours.

Enter BratTats. This woman-veteran owned business, has amazing temporary tattoos for your littles, even in sleeve form! They have designs for a classic tattoo enthusiast such as Sailor Jerry-esque flash tattoos, Japanese designs, and classic skulls, bald eagles, mermaids, etc. The website is simple but well done and even has a tutorial on how to apply these beautiful temporary tattoos so that you don't mess it up like I did a million times on the cheap little tattoos I ordered from Amazon.

Something else that I found to be amazing is that BratTats uses different artists to create the pieces and many of them have partial proceeds go to a good cause. Check out a couple of the artists below!
Landon Armstrong
Artist in Arizona
Created “Marine Beast” and “Mystical Magical Unicorn Greatness”
Rocky Borchardt
Co-founder of Flags for Fort Snelling, owner of Vantage Point Marketing, who is currently battling stage 4 ovarian cancer.
$10 from the “Rocky” tattoo purchase goes to the non-profit FFFS.
Jordanee La Fae
Award winning tattoo artist in Minnesota. Designed : Bright flowers, Ocean Life, More Glitter, Kindness, Potion, Foolish Games,
So now that you know about BratTats, I recommend you head to their website,, check out their inventory and place an order! Don't forget to take pics!