I am back! I have decided that this blog is going to continue, and I am not going overthink it. I love to write and had a massive writer’s block the past couple years due to stress. So yes, I am a tattooed, mom, boss. I used to be embarrassed to say this, but I own it now. I am being empowered. I am being proud of my strength, unique traits and abilities. I am heavily tattooed with plans to get my legs done next! I am a mom to a son named Vincent who is my life, love and everything in between. I am a boss. I currently work in marketing for a large tobacco company (don’t judge) and also have a side business where I resell clothing. I am also the president of my HOA with plans to join the PTA as soon as possible. So let’s catch you all up.
I finally escaped the hell of my job in Baltimore. I cannot tell you how gratifying and good for me it has been to abandon that mind fuck of a “career.” I worked with highly toxic people, in an environment that has caused me PTSD that still affects me to this day. Even with loads of therapy I sometimes have my moments even now. I think it may have been long enough for me to write about this in a separate blog. Stay tuned.
I moved out of Baltimore to Winston Salem, North Carolina for my new job. What a difference it is here versus Baltimore. We forgot to lock our house one night, and when we woke up we had all of our belongings and our lives! People are quite friendly, but a bit conservative for my taste. It is fucking humid here. I love that I can be outside year round, but I have seriously gotten comfortable with sweating, so I don’t know if that is a good thing. So yeah we moved to NC, rented a house to get the lay of the land and then COVID hit…
My husband was laid off due to COVID, I was working from home, and we didn’t feel comfortable with our son in daycare, so we were all home. Together. Not knowing anyone. No family. Together. It was interesting and rough, but really it bonded my husband and me. We bought a house the week before the shut down, so we had to sign our paperwork in the car with pens we brought from home (this was at the time when shit was real and no one really knew how to cope with COVID.) Most everything was closed, including any sort of movers, so my husband had to move all of our belongings from our rental into our new house by himself. (Not because I am a lazy bitch, but because of my back…)

Fast forward a few months, and my bad back, well it got worse. I woke up one morning and could not feel anything from the waist down. So I will tell you the hilarious details in another blog, but this resulted in me having to have spinal surgery in November of 2020. I could only have one visitor and no children allowed. Luckily my mom was willing to take the risk to fly out here and take care of me. My recovery was long and hard but totally worth it in the end.
I recovered slowly but surely. I focused on my health and started a new journey to a new me. I more healthy me. Within less than a year I went from being numb from the waist down to being able to run a 5K. It was awesome. Things were great. We were happy. Larry had gotten a job outside of the bar setting so he could spend nights and weekends with us. And then… My job. The one that saved me from the hellish nightmare in Baltimore. Well, they laid me off. Without any good reason. (Seriously who the fuck did I piss off?) I know it isn’t personal, but it sure felt that way. They laid me off one month before Christmas, so thanks for the extended holiday, but shitty timing for a stressful time of the year when no one is hiring.

Now it is 2022. I work for a great company that makes me grateful that I was laid off. I didn’t even realize how uninspired and un-empowered I was in my previous company. Now I have a boss that values me, treats me with trust and respect and supports me. So I am done bragging about my new job. My hubs got a new job also, working for a credit processing company, so if you are in need of this please let me know, and he can get you a better rate than you are at now. (Non-shameless plug for him!)
My son is starting kindergarten this August, and I cannot believe how quickly time passed or how excited I am to be on the PTA! (Again, I said I was a boss.) So this is where I stand right now, and I cannot wait to bring some new stories and content your way!